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WDB Committees

Executive Committee

Members of the Executive Committee include the WDB Chair, WDB Vice Chair, the Chairs of the standing committees, and includes representation from all required members per WIOA. The Executive Committee provides financial and performance oversight and is authorized to take actions on behalf of the WDB when time-sensitive correspondence or the approvals of compliance documents are required before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the WDB. Any such actions will be reported to the WDB at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

Performance and Evaluation Committee

This committee provides programmatic oversight of the Workforce Development Board of Ventura County’s America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) System, including youth services and special projects. The Committee oversees the development of a quality AJCC System, coordination of services, performance measure attainment, workforce development policy implementation, accessibility in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and partnership facilitation. In addition, the Performance and Evaluation Committee oversees the negotiation and maintenance of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and Resource Sharing Agreements, measures customer satisfaction, manages the AJCC Certification process and identifies potential affiliate sites and points of service.

Performance and Evaluation Committee Charter

Ventura County Work-Based Learning Consortium

The Ventura County Work-Based Learning Consortium is a cross-sector working group of employers, educators, community-based organizations (CBOs), government, and labor, that collaborates to:

  • develop a regional vision for Work-Based Learning and
  • create sustainable aligned systems for building and strengthening regional career pathways that meet the needs of Ventura County employers and jobseekers.

The Ventura County Work-Based Learning Consortium is the “umbrella” working group of the sector working groups of the WDB.

Full description of the Ventura County Work-Based Learning Consortium

Industry Sector Working Groups

Create a comprehensive, high-quality workforce development system by aligning workforce investment, education, and economic development. This includes support of regional growth industry sectors and clusters that addresses business-driven demands and worker needs for steady employment. These four industry sector working groups bring together WDB Board Members and Ventura County employers to work together on common goals.